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About us

Why Midwest Cover?

5 Reasons to Choose Midwest Cover on your next fence screen or athletic windscreen project:

  1.  We are not just the dealer, but the manufacturer (one of the biggest in the country!)
  2.  We ship nationwide -- same day shipping on many products.
  3.  We offer different degrees of closure and durability -- customized to fit your needs.
  4.  Custom fabrication for any job.

Midwest Cover Knows Softball

Softball stadiums typically have unique requirements that require custom solutions when it comes to screening, netting, and padding. With 20 years experience you can trust your softball stadium with our custom screening,  padding, and netting products. Find your next softball stadium upgrade: Outfield fence screening Wall & backstop padding Rail padding Fence safety cap Batter’s

Restore Your Stadium With Baseball Products From Midwest Cover Outfield Fence Screen, Wall Pads, Netting, and More. Expertly printed screening and padding products from Midwest Cover are a great value upgrade and come with a 5 year ‘No Fade’ print warranty. 20 years baseball stadium experience. Multiple materials and colors in stock and ready to

Baseball Netting From Midwest Cover

Midwest Cover designs and manufactures baseball netting products and applications to keep your players, spectators and surrounding property safe. Items such as batting cages, pitching cages, foul ball netting and outfield netting.

Get Full Color Options With Digital Print

Perfect for advertising fence wrap, high traffic construction screen, and athletic projects. Multiple materials & colors in stock and ready to ship. Print any high-res image or design. Experienced design assistance available. Make an impact on your baseball stadium in 2019 with digital printed outfield fence screen.

Ready for the opening day photo ops? Make your 2019 season special with printed outfield fence screening and padding from Midwest Cover. Affordable print options available! Rail and custom padding available. Baseball netting, rail cap, and fence guard also in stock. 20 years baseball experience, get your questions answered in one call at 800-594-0744.

Get more printed fence screen choices from Midwest Cover. Full color digital printing allows you to print any high res image. Economical direct printing is a great way to upgrade construction or athletic screen with multiple color choices. Finally, affordable stitch-on panels can provide helpful information and branding to event screening and job sites where

2018 In Pictures

A banner year for Midwest Cover screening, netting, and padding products:

Midwest Cover brings over 20 years experience to athletic stadium solutions. High quality material, custom fabrication, and expert printing means you can buy with confidence. Our industry leading 5 year ‘no fade’ print warranty means your stadium investment will last for years to come. Protect and enhance your outdoor or indoor athletic facility with screening,